On a tiny island called Graymsthe lives a village, where 3 young youth, Randall Orena , Ashewyld Makina, Luxferre de’Oswell all dream of venturing to the far reaches of their world and even new worlds. To make this dream come true the trio decides to gather materials and food for the journey. While searching for wood Luxis stumbles across a hole and tells Ran and Ashe, but Ran convinces Luxis and Ashe that they should go inside. While inside they come across dark creatures that are way harder than anything they have fought before they eventually swallow them up in darkness, but Luxis releases hidden light to fend off the darkness long enough for Ran and Ashe to escape. They stay to try to help Luxis, but instead they break his concentration and their entire world is swallowed in darkness so is Ran and Ashe. All Luxis is left with is a blue door in the midst of all the darkness, why did he survive?
In the game there are many Worlds each one with climates and even people, each one unique to each other. The darkness has separated the Worlds that were connected by transporters, but the darkness has always been there so now people use Ships. The Worlds are classified based on size; the smallest is a Dwarf World and have really short plots, the medium sized one is a Terra Firma World about as big as the Earth and are core to the storyline of the game, and the biggest are Gias Worlds about as big as the Sun and are secret areas that give more depth to the plot. The main World you’ll visit is Capitalia, and you sometimes have gather things from other Worlds to finish a World.
Every World has a Relic that holds it’s light that is being possessed by the Darkness, it is up to you and your ship to free that Relic from the darkness.
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Luxis Oswell(His full name is Luxferre de'Oswell)
Bio: Luxis is the last son of the Oswell family, being that he must become the lord of Graymsthe and lose his entire childhood, and to even further make sure Luxis becomes Lord of Graymsthe he lives on an island in a vast ocean. Before he met Ran and Ashe he was stuck-up and a know-it-all. When he played adventure with them he finally realized what it meant to be a kid. Now he is fun, wild, and a natural born pervert. Now that they are starting to build the raft to leave Graymsthe, Luxis feels like his life has a meaning.